Celluloid Days

In this episode, I talk about Madge Meredith, who, in the late 40s, was accused and convicted of kidnapping and assault and was sentenced to 5 to life in Tehachapi prison. Two and a half years later, the California State Assembly issued a report concluding: "The case of Miss Meredith, from beginning to end, is a mockery of investigation, of defense counseling, of trial procedure, and of justice itself." 

What is Celluloid Days?

Hello there, welcome to the first episode of Celluloid Days, my new podcast of film and film history. I’m hoping this show is a bit different as I enjoy research and I plan to use my curiosity to make things interesting. You see, this show isn’t just for the listener, but for me as well, to grow and learn, to explore films, and filmmakers.